Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 6 in Veganville....population 2ish

I say 2 ish because Alex is a fair weather vegan. He eats meat when EVER he can which is any time we are not at home. Yesterday we rode our bikes from Salem to Marblehead, if you have never been to Marblehead it is BEAUTIFUL! It is one of my favorite places on the North Shore by far.

This is a view from the restaurant we ate lunch at, the Landing. They have THE BEST blood mary's and lobster rolls around for sure. It's a very unassuming place but man is it good!

Yesterday I had to watch Alex inhale a lobster roll and drink a bloody mary with a VERY large shrimp hanging out of it....It was so sad, so, so, sad for this guy. I love all things lobster but I just kept telling myself that once I am done with Veganville I can ALWAYS come and get one or make one at home. I had a grilled veggie sad. I did feel good though after I ate it for our bike ride back.

But I have to share tonight we tried this product for the first time, Alex said right away, "I would not be able to tell this difference between this and real chicken in this chicken salad". It was so true. I have to say it was really amazing! I tasted it before we mixed in the earth balance mayo and curry powder and it tasted chicken-ish but once everything was mixed in...BAM chicken salad! At the moment you can only buy this at Whole Foods, about $5.99 for 12 oz but 100% worth the effort to go to Whole Foods. Alex also said (and I quote) "I could easily be vegetarian and with things like this is makes being vegan MUCH easier!" (end quote) He most likely is saying this because we are almost half way through the Veganville challenge and he sees (well thinks he sees) all things pork in his future. I am not one to preach about anything, ok too many things but if you can give it a try I would! It's GMO free and made from pea protein! (Who doesn't love peas?!?!) I LOVE peas!!!

To be honest there are TOO MANY reasons why eating meat is bad you and for the environment but I know it's hard not to give up especially when it's all you know and how you grew up. Even if you are ok with slaughtering animals it's the mass factory farming that I don't think ANYONE would be ok with when you really think about it. 

Honestly though I am not preaching because after these 2 weeks are over I am sure I will eat some kind of meat or seafood again at some point in my life but with products like the one above I can see why I would not need to eat chicken again. I mean it's not PERFECT but it's about as close as you can get to the real deal. It has a texture of a very tender chicken breast.

Try it and let me know what you guys think! I do have to say after 6 days of being vegan I do feel better. I think I might have a slight dairy issue that I never knew about. I feel lighter (not that I lost weight) and I also am noticing how I am tasting food. I know it sounds odd but food tastes different to me in a great way. 


  1. I don't think I've heard of Beyond Meat before! I don't use many meat substitutes, but they can really be helpful when you're trying to transition to veg eating. Good luck with the challenge!

  2. @Kiersten it's a great product only at Whole Foods right now. If you can give it a try. I mean it's not chicken and it seems like it tastes MUCH better the next day in whatever sauce you put it in but you're right. Great way to transition into the vegan/veggie world. P.s. LOVE your blog.
