Sunday, April 7, 2013

At first if you don't succeed....try, try again....

So with all the excitement of ukulele I forgot to post about healthy crap in my life. Well I can honestly say there was NOTHING healthy about this weekend but man was it a lot of fun! Dinner and Drinks with Kyle and Witt on Friday night....learned that night that it is ALWAYS a good idea to dunk chocolate chip oatmeal cookies into an old fashion at 10:30 at night.

Saturday was shopping for the PERFECT PILLOW, I am not even going to begin to tell you what it cost but the fact that it came with a 3 year warranty and they PROMISED me that it won't turn into a football, triangle or hot dog shape (I have this problem with current not so SUPER expensive pillows) it was worth the money.

When I first moved back to Boston I had a sweet apartment in the North End. To this day when I turn down the street I lived on it still feels like home even though it is hands down one of the busiest streets in Boston with thousands of tourists every moment of every day because they want to feel like they are in "Italy" but too cheap to get there. Last night when we were walking to dinner we walked by my old apartment and ran into one of the older guys who hangs out on the stoop (there were/are a handful of them who grew up in the neighborhood and stand around beneath my old apartment "talking" to each other all day and night). It really isn't at all as creepy as it sounds.

One of my favorites was/is Tony. He is so kind and ALWAYS looked out for me and anyone else who stopped by and talked. When he saw us he goes, "Oh MY GOD! Look at you two! Wow!" We stood there and chatted for awhile. He filled us in on the neighborhood happenings and then we moved on to dinner with Nicky and Chad. We laughed, we ate, we drank some bottles of vino and Poodle told us about his almost new Louis Vuitton luggage purchase...(IT WILL HAPPEN)

Next we were on to the CIGAAAAAAR BAAAAAAAAAAAAAR for some after dinner drinks and Hookah action! And then the pictures began!

Helloooooooo Bow Ties!!!! (And he can tie it himself, after only watching one Youtube Video!!!!)

Before the Hookah came Poodle wanted to try what looked like to be the first cigar he has ever seen in his life.

I think he was chewing on it for awhile after that. In the picture above he is telling Alex "He's All Set!"

The VERY expensive hookah came and we went from, "Oh we will only stay for A drink and a little hookah" to 3 rounds of cocktails, two rounds of hookah, LOTS of laughs and 3 hours later.....

Moral of this weekend story you ask? Good times with friends sometimes isn't cheap, sometimes it isn't healthy but it is a lot of fun and worth every calorie! Hope you all had a fabulous weekend as well. It's a new day and let's try to do better this week, shall we?!

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