Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer is ending and something I will never learn....

What a fun few weeks it has been friends. Since coming back from Vegas at the beginning of this month it has been a non-stop whirl wind of summer time fun!

Weekends spent with these people...

(Someone took the last of the margarita while I was distracted by a sizzling platter walking by)

(Happy Monday to our Philly!!!)

Our trip to Nantucket...

 (How it started!!!!)

 (How it ended!!!)

But what is a blog post without me venting for a second.. Deep thoughts by yours truly.....

There are not many things I truly hate in life. I honestly think my time here (on this big blue green marble) is waaaaaay to short to REALLY hate something. I mean don't get me wrong I dislike almost everything from time to time but when it comes down to the effort I have to make to truly hate something.....I would rather waste that energy secretly or not so secretly judging 85% of the population who I see on a daily basis and make up stories about them in my head. Cheers to that!

I more than ANYTHING in this world I HATE coming home after an evening of fun and dare I say a cocktail or ten to this....

 You would think at 32 I would have this shit down to a science....NOPE! Absolutely not. I can plan every moment of an event for a group of 1500 people but figure out how to make the bed before I leave the house on a Saturday night or at the very least take the sheets OUT of the washer and put them in the dryer so I can put them on the bed when I get home.....Oh no my friends that would be asking too much. 

So 15 agonizing minutes later....of me whining to my self. (Sing it with me people, "All by my self.....don't wanna be....all by myyyyyyyy seeeeeellllllffffff!!!!") Taaaaaa Daaaaaaaa!
It's hard being me sometimes....

 But now back to reality....well almost! This weekend I am going to clam baking and making/canning the "Roseto Family Sauce" pictures and tomato stains to come! Stay Tuned people!!!

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