Friday, October 28, 2011

This week 2, beth 0

Alright so one is really a fan of Mondays. We all have our own version of what a Monday is. When you bartend it could be that Friday is your Monday. Or maybe in retail Saturday is your Monday. Either Mondays suck and mine was no shorting in the "sucking department" this week.

So there I am up at 6 am back in the gym, getting my fitness on...attempting to at least. My gym is right next to my office so I pack my gym bag the night before with all my work clothes so I can literally roll out of bed and go.

Well after my workout I notice that I forgot my god damn flip flops for the gym shower! Between my mother being a little wacky with germs and it being ingrained in my head in 7th grade gym class foot fungus is alive and well on all gym bathroom floors. I have size 10 feet they aren't perfect but they are way too cute to get foot fungus I'll tell you that.

My simple solution you ask....I wear my socks in the shower! Ha ha ha ha it's all I could think of to do. The entire time I showered on my tippy toes with socks on! Yep doesn't get much better than that on a Monday.

Oh but wait it totally does get better....ready for this one?!?! It's Friday! Yay happy Friday all! Again here I am up at 6 am arm loads of crap to take down to my car and to boot its 100% snowed last night! I'm scrapping ice off my car and still wiping sleep from my eyes. It's not too bad of a drive into the gym I'm going to do a quick workout and then head into work because I have a 9 am meeting and it's Friday!

Go to get out of my car and grab my gym bag with all my work stuff...oh wait where's my gym bag!?!? IT IS AT MY GOD HOUSE on my living room floor where I left it!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

As we speak Alex is driving to meet me with said bag half way from our house and the gym because traffic is so bad in the morning that there is no way in hell I'd make it back in time and then to my office.

So he's amazing and this is a great way to end my work week!


I get to work, have to change in the my car in the parking garage (no time to shower). Get all the way upstairs and realize THAT MY PANTS HAD SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE!!! I am drinking a bottle of wine tonight!

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