25 minutes later I had a full foil, cut and was processing in her car because I had to catch a super early flight and could easily washed them out in the shower at my aunt's house. How did it come out you ask?!? Amazing! What's the point of this story besides my cousin being a saint?!?
Well since I was 11 I have been dying my hair. At first it was me trying to become a red head because I was OBSESSED with Lucille Ball. Not only did I LOVE Lucy I swore up and down for the first 10 years of my life I was her reincarnated. I found out later in life that she died after I was already born. So without out the window and the early 90's in full swing I found out what "highlights" were...low lights weren't in yet so it was all blonde or nothing! I let my hair get to it's natural color (dark dark brown color) but FILLED it with BRIGHT white thin highlights throughout the whole thing. I have thick hair and it takes FOREVER to have someone go through the whole thing (hours). At 14 not a big deal to have this kind of look....the older I got the funkier the hair got....some days it looked like a skunk. Some times it looked like a licked candy cane with pinks, reds and blondes. Other days it had purple or blue in it. Am I afraid of color? No but after looking back on many pictures maybe I should be.
Back to the point....lately (for the past 5 years) I have kept it pretty low key with color. Just a solid dark brown or red color. When my fabulous cousin suggested some fun chunky high and low panels of color I was/still am....all about it EXCEPT when I went to the bathroom the other day and saw myself in the mirror. It's not my hair, the color or the style...it was my eye catching thin white pieces of hair in my noggin. I thought to myself, "HOLY SHIT I AM GOING GREY!!!!!!" Nope just blonde. Very very pretty white blonde which I tried FOR YEARS with A LOT of bleach (and hope) to get but what I realized is that when you are in your 30's isn't white blonde but is too close to GREY comfort! Holy shit!
Well friend's 48 hours from right now I will be playing craps or laying on a lazy river in Las Vegas. I am still shocked I am going. What an AMAZING shit show this is going to be. I plan on taking as many pictures as I possibly can because I think that will be the only way we can all remember this trip.
So day 3 of weight watchers was WAY easier than day 1 or 2. Not nearly as hungry and actually felt good. Hell I still have 6 points left I can use tomorrow! Look at me go people! Jennifer Hudson WATCH OUT! There's a new spokes gal in town.
Snack of the day: Plain Hummus mixed with REALLY spicy salsa and a Joseph's Flaxseed Pita (3 points and VERY filling)